Indoor Foundation 1 Agility Session 1
Build a magical connection with your dog with fun and easy to follow training exercises
Available spots
Service Description
This course comprised of 5 - 1 hr sessions that is an introduction to agility and the skills required to build a run and successful agility team. Contents covered will include relationship building. impulse control. body awareness, attention and focus.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
RULES AND REGULATIONS Please familiarize yourself with the following rules and regulations prior to using Rickfield Farm Agility Training Centre Inc. facilities. 1) All dogs must be leashed and under full control by the handler while on the premises, unless under the supervision of an instructor, or while using an authorized play area. 2) We require a written record of your dog’s vaccinations (DHPP or equivalent, Bordetella and Rabies). 3) Please do not allow your dog to potty in the rings. You may potty them outside the white fenced area. 4) All dog owners using the facilities are responsible to clean up after their own dogs. 5) If dog(s) require bathroom breaks during training please use the area outside of the white fencing or in the woods. Please ensure you pick up after your dog(s) and deposit the feces in the allocated waste buckets. 6) Members using the facilities are responsible, at all times, to set up and remove the equipment they are using. 7) All dog owners using the facilities will be required to read and sign both a Liability Release Waiver and Rules and Regulations form. 8) We reserve the right to revoke rental privileges if individuals do not follow the rules and regulations. 9) Bitches in season should wear a dog in heat diaper when on the property. 10) Be respectful to other members and most importantly, have fun!
Contact Details
1879 9th Line Road, Ottawa, ON, Canada